Product Description
Harris Britewort 5 tablets. Replaces Protofloc and Irish Moss. Use � tablet per 25 litres. Add to the last 15 minutes of the boil.
Use to prevent Protein Haze.
Add 1/2 Tablet to 25 Litre (5gal)
Add during the last 10-15 minutes of the boil.
The active ingredient in Britewort is High Potency Kappa Carrageenan which is derived from seaweed.
Carrageenan in solution is negatively charged, owing to the sulphate groups along the polysaccharide backbone. It is these charged sites which interact with wort proteins.
Britewort tablets should be added to the kettle ten to fifteen minutes prior to the end of the boil.
The addition time reflects the length of time required to dissolve and disperse the carrageenan into the wort.
If Britewort tablets are added early in the boil, then degradation of the polymer may occur and product efficiency is lost.
- Natural product which removes substantial quantities of haze forming material without affecting head retention
- Produces brighter worts
- Increases rate of fermentation and attenuation
- Increases filter runs
- Prolongs shelf life in small pack beers
- Reduces process time
- Is a processing aid not an additive so doesnt require label declaration
- Reduced tank losses
- Tabletted for easy use