Quick view Details sku: BBE 11/2024 50225 SS Distillers Rum 20g Still Spirits Distillers Rum Yeast 20g for 25L 15% ABV BBE 11/2024 MSRP: Was: Now: £2.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: BBE 09/2024 32016 SafLager S-23 Fermentis Saflager S23 Beer Yeast lager pilsner ales 11.5g 20-30L BBE 09/2024 MSRP: Was: Now: £1.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: BBE 08/2024 10641 Mangrove Jacks CY17 BBE 08/2024 Mangrove Jacks - CY17 8g treats 23L Sweet White Blush Dessert MSRP: Was: Now: £1.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: BBE 06/2024 10647 Mangrove Jacks MA33 BBE 06/2024 Mangrove Jacks - MA33 8g / 23L Fruity White & Blush Country Wines MSRP: Was: Now: £0.90 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alcotec | sku: BBE 08/2024 31003 Alcotec Mega 100L Alcotec Mega Pack 100L Turbo Yeast All in One 18% 4-6 days BBE 08/2024 MSRP: Was: Now: £2.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Harris | sku: BBE 09/2024 30015 Harris Premium Harris Premium Wine Yeast 5g for 5L-23L 18% ABV High Alcohol All Wine Types BBE 09/2024 MSRP: Was: Now: £1.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alcotec | sku: BBE 03/2024 30945 A-Amylase Enzyme Alcotec Alpha Amylase Enzyme Sachet 5g BBE 03/2024 MSRP: Was: Now: £0.90 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: BBE 10/2024 31306 Double Snake Fruit Double Snake Fruit Turbo Yeast with Enzyme 49g 25L BBE 10/2023 MSRP: Was: Now: £0.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Harris | sku: BBE 04/2024 30015 Harris Premium Harris Premium Wine Yeast 5g for 5L-23L 18% ABV High Alcohol All Wine Types BBE 04/2024 MSRP: Was: Now: £1.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: BBE 01/2024 32013 SafBrew WB-06 Fermentis SafAle WB06 Beer Yeast German Wheat Beers 11.5g 20-30L BBE 01/2024 MSRP: Was: Now: £1.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alcotec | sku: BBE 02/2024 31015 Whisky Yeast Alcotec Single Strain Whisky Yeast Makes 25L Grain Whiskey Mash Homebrew Wash BBE 02/2024 MSRP: Was: Now: £0.90 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: BBE 09/2023 40728 SafAle BE-134 Fermentis Safale BE-134 Beer Yeast Belgian Saison-style Beers 11.5g 20-30L BBE 09/2023 MSRP: Was: Now: £0.90 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: BBE 11/2024 50225 SS Distillers Rum 20g Still Spirits Distillers Rum Yeast 20g for 25L 15% ABV BBE 11/2024 THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 11/2024 Still Spirits Distillers Rum Yeast A specialist Rum Strain that produces an optimum congener profile for a full flavoured, smooth and rounded Rum spirit with rich fruity aromatics. Perfect for the... MSRP: Was: Now: £2.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: BBE 09/2024 32016 SafLager S-23 Fermentis Saflager S23 Beer Yeast lager pilsner ales 11.5g 20-30L BBE 09/2024 THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 09/2024 Fermentis Saflager S23 Genuine bottom fermenting commercial yeast for lager and pilsner beers and ales. Originating from the famous VLB institute in Germany, true lager yeast capable of producing... MSRP: Was: Now: £1.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: BBE 08/2024 10641 Mangrove Jacks CY17 BBE 08/2024 Mangrove Jacks - CY17 8g treats 23L Sweet White Blush Dessert THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 08/2024 Mangrove Jacks Wine Yeast CY17 8g treats 23L / 5 Gallons Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Perfect for sweet white/blush and dessert wines from grape and particularly from country fruits & flowers. CY17... MSRP: Was: Now: £1.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: BBE 06/2024 10647 Mangrove Jacks MA33 BBE 06/2024 Mangrove Jacks - MA33 8g / 23L Fruity White & Blush Country Wines THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 06/2024 Mangrove Jacks Wine Yeast MA33 8g treats 23L / 5 Gallons Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Acid reducing strain excellent for fruity white & blush country wines especially where residual sugars are desired... MSRP: Was: Now: £0.90 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alcotec | sku: BBE 08/2024 31003 Alcotec Mega 100L Alcotec Mega Pack 100L Turbo Yeast All in One 18% 4-6 days BBE 08/2024 THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 08/2024 Alcotec MegaPack Turbo Yeast for 100L For 100L Up to 18% ABV Ready in 4-6 Days Alcotec MegaPack Turbo Yeast is a professional pack for fermenting 100 litres of alcoholic wash from a sugar only based... MSRP: Was: Now: £2.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Harris | sku: BBE 09/2024 30015 Harris Premium Harris Premium Wine Yeast 5g for 5L-23L 18% ABV High Alcohol All Wine Types BBE 09/2024 THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 09/2024 Harris Premium Wine Yeast 5g for 5L-23L A new premium all-purpose yeast that is suitable for any type of wine.Red, White, Rose, Mead, Country Wine, Kit Wine or Sparkling Wine, giving them excellent weight... MSRP: Was: Now: £1.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alcotec | sku: BBE 03/2024 30945 A-Amylase Enzyme Alcotec Alpha Amylase Enzyme Sachet 5g BBE 03/2024 Alcotec Alpha Amylase Enzyme 5g can convert the starch content from up to 5kgs of grains so it can be fully fermented to alcohol. This is a high temperature tolerant enzyme, with very high enzymatic activity. This can be used as pre-processing of a grain... MSRP: Was: Now: £0.90 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: BBE 10/2024 31306 Double Snake Fruit Double Snake Fruit Turbo Yeast with Enzyme 49g 25L BBE 10/2023 Double Snake Distiller's Fruit Turbo Yeast 49g sachets, suitable for 25 litre fermentations. Perfect for Distilling Fruit Liqueurs and Spirits. Contains both Turbo Yeast, Yeast Nutrient, Enzyme and Vitamins. Double Snake Fruit Turbo Yeast with... MSRP: Was: Now: £0.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Harris | sku: BBE 04/2024 30015 Harris Premium Harris Premium Wine Yeast 5g for 5L-23L 18% ABV High Alcohol All Wine Types BBE 04/2024 THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 04/2024 Harris Premium Wine Yeast 5g for 5L-23L A new premium all-purpose yeast that is suitable for any type of wine.Red, White, Rose, Mead, Country Wine, Kit Wine or Sparkling Wine, giving them excellent weight... MSRP: Was: Now: £1.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: BBE 01/2024 32013 SafBrew WB-06 Fermentis SafAle WB06 Beer Yeast German Wheat Beers 11.5g 20-30L BBE 01/2024 THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 01/2024 Fermentis SafAle WB06 A speciality yeast selected for wheat beer fermentations.German wheat beer yeast with banana and clove esters.Works very well in all types of South German wheat beers.The yeast... MSRP: Was: Now: £1.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alcotec | sku: BBE 02/2024 31015 Whisky Yeast Alcotec Single Strain Whisky Yeast Makes 25L Grain Whiskey Mash Homebrew Wash BBE 02/2024 THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 02/2024 Alcotec Single Strain Whisky Yeast - Makes 25L of Grain Mash (Whiskey Wash) High Quality Yeast strain optimised for Whisky 12% in 3-6 days depending on temperature and raw materials. Net weight 23g (0.8oz)... MSRP: Was: Now: £0.90 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: BBE 09/2023 40728 SafAle BE-134 Fermentis Safale BE-134 Beer Yeast Belgian Saison-style Beers 11.5g 20-30L BBE 09/2023 THIS IS A CLEARANCE ITEM BEST BEFORE END 09/2023 Fermentis Safale BE-134 The Safale BE-134 yeast is a high attenuating strain recommended for Belgian Saison-style beers promoting fruity aromas and spicy characters such as clove notes. To get these spicy... MSRP: Was: Now: £0.90 Add to Cart Compare