Quick view Details sku: 50601 Air Still Fermentation Kit Still Spirits Air Still Fermentation Kit makes 5L MSRP: Was: Now: £6.16 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 10573 MJ M47 Belgian Abbey Mangrove Jack’s Craft Series Yeast M47 Belgian Abbey (10g) MSRP: Was: Now: £3.91 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 31306 Double Snake Fruit Double Snake Fruit Turbo Yeast with Enzyme 49g 25L MSRP: Was: Now: £2.88 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 50228 SS Alpha Amylase 12g Still Spirits Distillers Alpha Amylase Enzyme 12g High Temperature for 25L MSRP: Was: Now: £3.46 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 50172 SS Pure Turbo Still Spirits Pure Turbo Yeast 110g Triple Distilled Quality MSRP: Was: Now: £4.31 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 50139 SS Fast Turbo Still Spirits Fast Turbo Yeast 250g 24 hour MSRP: Was: Now: £5.46 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 50138 SS Heat Turbo Still Spirits Heat Turbo Yeast 138g Temperature Tolerant MSRP: Was: Now: £5.34 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Gervin | sku: 30070 GV10/C Gervin Wine Yeast C GV10 Gold Label 5g Champagne & Desert Wines upto 18.5% 5-23L MSRP: Was: Now: £1.70 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 10610 MJ M12 Kveik Mangrove Jacks M12 Kveik Craft Series Yeast (10g) Beer Yeast MSRP: Was: Now: £4.87 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 31313 DSnake C-Star Klar Double Snake C-Star & TurboKlar 24h 23L Homebrew Vodka Spirit Moonshine MSRP: Was: Now: £3.80 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details sku: 31313 DSnake C-Star Carbon Klar Double Snake C Star Turbo Yeast, TurboKlar, Liquid Carbon Homebrew Vodka MSRP: Was: Now: £5.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alcotec | sku: 31048 Alcotec48 x40 40x Packets Alcotec 48 Pure Turbo Yeast High Alcohol 20% Homebrew Vodka Wash MSRP: Was: Now: £73.31 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 50601 Air Still Fermentation Kit Still Spirits Air Still Fermentation Kit makes 5L Air Still Fermentation Kit 1 x sachet Pure Turbo Yeast Nutrient (78g) 1 x sachet Turbo Clear (65g) 1 x sachet Turbo Carbon (57g) 1 x sachet Pure Turbo Yeast (12g) The Air Still Fermentation Kit contains the base ingredients required to make an 8 L wash... MSRP: Was: Now: £6.16 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 10573 MJ M47 Belgian Abbey Mangrove Jack’s Craft Series Yeast M47 Belgian Abbey (10g) Mangrove Jacks Belgian Abbey M47 - Craft Series Yeast10g treats 23L / 5 GallonsModerately alcohol tolerant with fewer phenols than Belgian Ale. Exceptionally fruity with hugely complex esters and is highly flocculant.Suitable for Belgian Pale Ales and... MSRP: Was: Now: £3.91 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 31306 Double Snake Fruit Double Snake Fruit Turbo Yeast with Enzyme 49g 25L Double Snake Distiller's Fruit Turbo Yeast 49g sachets, suitable for 25 litre fermentations. Perfect for Distilling Fruit Liqueurs and Spirits. Contains both Turbo Yeast, Yeast Nutrient, Enzyme and Vitamins. Double Snake Fruit Turbo Yeast with... MSRP: Was: Now: £2.88 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 50228 SS Alpha Amylase 12g Still Spirits Distillers Alpha Amylase Enzyme 12g High Temperature for 25L Still Spirits Alpha Amylase is a bacterially derived. Sufficient for up to 7.5 kg of liquefied starch. Powdered alpha-amylase enzyme which breaks down or liquify gelatinised starch into dextrins and simple sugars prior to saccharification with... MSRP: Was: Now: £3.46 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 50172 SS Pure Turbo Still Spirits Pure Turbo Yeast 110g Triple Distilled Quality Still Spirits Pure Turbo Yeast (Urea Based) 110g Makes 15% ABV Pure Turbo should be used where ultimate alcohol quality is of primary importance. This is a revolutionary breakthrough in Turbo Yeast development making it possible to produce Triple... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.31 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 50139 SS Fast Turbo Still Spirits Fast Turbo Yeast 250g 24 hour Still Spirits Fast Turbo Yeast (250g) Makes 13.5% ABV in 24hrs Fast is the fastest Turbo on the planet, fermenting out 6kg of sugar in less than 24 hours and producing very good distillate quality. It is important that water start temperature is... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.46 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 50138 SS Heat Turbo Still Spirits Heat Turbo Yeast 138g Temperature Tolerant Still Spirits Heat Turbo Yeast (138g) Makes 14% ABV The only Turbo to use when the air temperature is above 33C. Delivers excellent quality alcohol in hot conditions. Heat is also the only yeast we recommend for 'stacking'. Up to a 200 litre volume... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.34 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Gervin | sku: 30070 GV10/C Gervin Wine Yeast C GV10 Gold Label 5g Champagne & Desert Wines upto 18.5% 5-23L Gervin Yeast C Gold Label (Champagne Yeast) Strain GV10 5g This yeast is said to be used in the production of 70% of all Champagne. 5g Foil Sachet for Freshness The Gervin strains of yeast are used worldwide by the professional and amateur winemaker... MSRP: Was: Now: £1.70 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 10610 MJ M12 Kveik Mangrove Jacks M12 Kveik Craft Series Yeast (10g) Beer Yeast Mangrove Jacks Kveik M12 - Craft Series Beer Yeast10g treats 23L / 5 GallonsVoss Kveik - is the hottest yeast on the block at the moment, not only because of its high optimal fermentation temperature (30-40C)! It also ferments at speed and with an... MSRP: Was: Now: £4.87 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 31313 DSnake C-Star Klar Double Snake C-Star & TurboKlar 24h 23L Homebrew Vodka Spirit Moonshine Double Snake C Star (C*) Hyper Pure Vodka Yeast and Alcotec TurboKlar 24hr Super. This set makes 25L Homebrew Hyper Pure Turbo Wash.- 1x Double Snake C Star Turbo Yeast - 1x Alcotec TurboKlar 24hr Super The Turbo Yeast makes an ultra pure vodka wash,... MSRP: Was: Now: £3.80 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view sku: 31313 DSnake C-Star Carbon Klar Double Snake C Star Turbo Yeast, TurboKlar, Liquid Carbon Homebrew Vodka Double Snake C Star (C*) Hyper Pure Vodka Yeast, Alcotec TurboKlar 24hr Super and Liquid Activated Carbon. This set makes 25L Homebrew Hyper Pure Turbo Wash in 5-6 days.- 1x Double Snake C Star Turbo Yeast - 1x Liquid Activated Carbon - 1x Alcotec... MSRP: Was: Now: £5.79 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alcotec | sku: 31048 Alcotec48 x40 40x Packets Alcotec 48 Pure Turbo Yeast High Alcohol 20% Homebrew Vodka Wash 40 Packets of Alcotec 48 Pure Turbo Super Yeast Trade Pack Dual Recipe - High performance up to 20%, Super Rapid Yeast/Nutrient Alcotec 48 Pure is a Dual turbo yeast. Simply change the amount of sugar used to change how it works. It can ferment 6 kgs/25... MSRP: Was: Now: £73.31 Add to Cart Compare